Website terms and privacy policy


Here are brief summaries of my website terms and privacy policy

Website terms

  • By using my site, my website terms apply

  • My website uses cookies. Please click here to see a list of required and functional cookies used by Squarespace

  • Analytics and performance cookies have been disabled

  • My content is protected by copyright laws

  • I can be contacted by email, phone or using the contact form

  • My content cannot be used for commercial purposes by others

  • The UK’s laws will govern the use of my site if there is a dispute

Privacy policy

  • I collect names and contact details of website users who get in touch with my via phone, email or using the contact form in accordance with GDPR

  • When getting in touch with me via email or using the contact form, I suggest that you avoid using sensitive personal information and keep details brief

  • I will not share your personal information with a third party without your explicit consent

  • As per website terms, my website uses cookies. To learn more about what Squarespace does with visitor data, see section 12 of Squarespace’s Privacy Policy

N.B. You can ask me for a copy of my full website terms and privacy policy